Electric Vehicles, EV, hybrid, hybrid vehicles, clean energy, green power, solar power, wind power, Bloombox, home based power, fuel cell, wind generator, incentives, rebates, government, government policy
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Electric Vehicles, EV, hybrid, hybrid vehicles, clean energy, green power, solar power, wind power, Bloombox, home based power, fuel cell, wind generator, incentives, rebates, government, government policy
Last year at this time, being enthusiastic about the battery auto, the [EV], Electric Vehicle
was very much an uphill battle.
Lots of nay-sayers.
Today it is far more enjoyable. The uninformed naysayer is seems rare.
The most common challenge was that plug-in charging would dim our lights. The answer =
Air conditioners in a heat wave can do that, but there is capacity in the NA grid for 180 million EVs overnight charging. = TG
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