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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Canadian Federation Independant Business


To be honest and up front. I am not a member. I sold Trucking firms in Vancouver[2]. Now have two small interests here on Vancouver Island. Services.

Your power is to suggest to a group of like - minded persons, an action they could take to enact change and to re-start a crippled and hamstrung Canadian Government.

That action is to write the Governor General and demand she carry out her sworn duty.

Namely that when Canadian Government becomes clearly corrupt and hopelessly tangled in inter - party squabbles that should be argued in a court of law, not our house of commons, she is obligated to dissolve parliament and call an election.

The house is for the purpose of doing the business of Canada. Squabbles about recordings details are for the selfish push and pull benefit of the Liberal and CPC political clubs.
They can take those narrow selfish interests to Provincial court and pay their way towards solution.

The house of commons is not a free venue to sort out minor party spats. The meaning and the intent of the Grewal recordings are clear to Canadians.

The Liberals are guilty of entertaining bribes and vote rigging. Otherwise, instead of four hours of recordings there would have been forty seconds of tape containing the words, " No thank you, Mr. Grewal. The answer is a firm NO!"

Dubbing noises on the tapes amount to little more than the removal of foul language. The verdict is profoundly clear to any Canadian who has the time to think. Get this Liberal delaying tactic out of our house and allow the commons to get back to the business of Canada.

The Liberal Party are so desperate to hold onto power, they are allocating Billions of Canada's wealth for programs dictated by the NDP whose confidence votes the Liberals will do anything for.

The Governor can see this governing by blackmail and is now derelict in her sworn duty to dissolve parliament and call an election.

Her inaction, if it goes on any longer, may be seen as complicity with a corrupt Liberal power to thwart the laws of Canada.

This is still a free country. CFIB members are free to write the Governor General without fear of reprisal, to demand that she carry out her sworn duty before any more serious damage is inflicted upon Canada and Canadians.

Members look to CFIB leadership for timely and responsible expression of civic duty.

Sincerely, Anthony Robinson BendGovernment.blogspot.com [For Sample letter]


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